Friday, January 14, 2011

I've Got the Magic Stick

Have you heard of this thing called The Stick??  

It works miracles, I tell ya!

During my short run on Monday I did something funky to my right calf muscle and it has been sore since then.  I'm not sure if I landed on it wrong, or maybe just ran too fast (we were FLYING!), or what.  And it wasn't super painful, but enough that it made even walking uncomfortable from time to time.  It was enough to keep me from running this week b/c I was afraid I'd hurt myself more and then be in pain for the entire race on Sunday.  No thank you!

But then after work yesterday I finally caught up on the phone with my BFF Beth for the first time in several days (again).  I had heard her talk about The Stick before.  I had heard her RAVE about The Stick before.  Hell, I had even recommended The Stick to The Nicholas several weeks ago when he was having problems with his hamstrings and his Achille's tendons.  But I had never actually used The Stick (let alone even seen one!) until last night when I marched my tired rear end down to RoadRunner at Tempe Marketplace and purchased The Stick.

BEST $25 EVER SPENT.  No lie. 

I barely even used it on my calf last night, but today?  NO PAIN AT ALL!!!!  How does that even happen?!?!  I'm amazed.  I think I'm just gonna start rubbing my entire body down with The Stick on a daily basis!  It is AMAZE-BALLS!!!! 


With only 2 days left until Race Day, I'm having a LOT of different thoughts and questions and emotions running through my mind...  Is my body ready??  Is my MIND ready??  Am I going to make it?  How am I gonna feel afterwards?  Am I even gonna be able to walk?  And most importantly...  Where should I eat afterwards?? 

While I was walking into the office this morning, I was thinking about crossing the finish line and literally had to fight back tears.  I don't wanna get ahead of myself here...  I mean, I still have to actually get out there and run the 13.1 miles on Sunday morning.  But the feeling of accomplishment that I already feel is HUGE, so I can't even begin to fathom how amazing of a feeling it's going to be to actually cross the finish line and officially say, "I just ran a mother-effing half-marathon!"


My co-worker Kelly just sent this e-card to me:

Enough said. 

Here goes nothin'!!!

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