Wednesday, January 26, 2011

30 "Day" Challenge - The Intro

I started my blog as a way to track and journal my training for my first-ever (but certainly not my last) half-marathon.

But now that it's all said and done, what do I write about??  

Sure, I've got PLENTY to say about all sorts of things - ask anyone who knows me, and they'll assure you that I never shut up.  And, on the rare occasion that I do stop talking, my friends worry and want to know what's wrong with me. 

But now what??  What do I write about?  Where do I start?

I decided to "steal" this from Simply Shaka because as I read through it, I felt as though I could use it as a tool to learn a little (or maybe even a lot) about myself.  But instead of blogging every day for 30 straight days, I figure I'll complete this at my own pace.  Some days I may tackle more than one topic.  Other days I may not bother at all.  And I'm sure that I'll have times when I'll go back and add updates a few days, weeks, or even months later. I will write in the same order that they are listed, and name them the same way as well (Day 1, Day 2, and so on...).  And ideally, I will revisit each topic every now and then to see how far I've come.  Cross your fingers that we see progress, people!  :)

Other than the 30 "Day" Challenge, I'll just write about whatever is on my mind that day!

Stay tuned... This could get interesting!

1 comment:

  1. Holla for the challenge! I don't think I am going to do every day, I think just as is and I will prpobabl half ass my thoughts on half of them. Some of them I just don't care about or don't have an opinion on. I just saw the first one though, need to go to read that one!
